

In-person Sunday morning worship:  Our fall-winter-spring schedule for worship is:

~ 9:15 AM: Prayer, in the sanctuary

~ 9:30 AM: Education hour

~ 10:45 AM: Worship

After worship, we gather for conversation and light refreshments in Fellowship Hall.

Videos of the services and worship bulletins are available on the “Worship” page of this website, on the church Facebook page & on YouTube (“Sunday on the Square”). 


ADULT EDUCATION CLASS (DECEMBER) — Sunday mornings at 9:30am in the Gathering Room. An Advent study titled
“The Christmas Letters” by Magrey deVega. This book invites us to learn about the miracle of Christ’s  birth from those who first told the story.  


DECEMBER 2024:  1) Support of 36 Community CARES, Shippensburg families through purchase of Christmas gifts for youth and children; 2) Donation of 150+ bags of holiday cookies to truckers/travelers coming through our area, in support of the work of the Carlisle Truck Stop Ministry; 3) Ringing the red kettle bells to support Salvation Army programs.

OCTOBER 2024 A contribution was made to the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) program in support of their work in hurricane-ravaged areas.


— On Sep. 9, the Deacons/Friends served the evening meal (“My Brothers’ Table”) at Salvation Army

— Sep/Oct:  Deacons quarterly local mission is “Community CARES”:   The “Christmas” tree in Fell. Hall is adorned with Fall leaves. Take one and bring back the item (X10) listed on the leaf. On Oct. 13, care packages will be assembled and delivered.

JULY 2024 Hosted fifty 5th and 6th graders attending SPY Camp.

JUNE 2024

— On June 9, the Deacons & Friends served the evening meal at the Salvation Army. 

— On June 9 and 16, “Dinner for Dads” fundraiser meal tickets were purchased. Your donations honor and/or remember fathers/men in your lives. All donations support the Deacons’ “My Brothers’ Table” and Community Care meal services during the year. 

MAY 2024

— A successful rummage sale was held on Sat., May 4, which raised money for local missions. 

— 56 packets containing literature on the importance of reading to babies, a baby book and handmade baby hat were presented to the Carlisle Area Family Life Center. This local mission is supported by the sale of books in Fellowship Hall.

Numerous local and worldwide missions are supported regularly throughout the year. Thanks to all!


give buttonFirst Presbyterian Church has partnered with The Presbyterian Foundation to provide an online giving option. The Presbyterian Mission Exchange is a component of the Foundation, and provides the secure transfer and maintenance of data and funds for churches enrolled in their program. You may use your credit or debit cards to make regular recurring donations to the church on a weekly, monthly, or annual schedule. You may also arrange electronic fund transfers (EFT) directly from your bank account. The online giving option is offered as a convenience for those who prefer to reduce their paper burden, and provides a means of giving used by many other charities. However, paper checks or cash will still be gratefully accepted. Currently, there are two funds listed: General Fund and Capital Campaign. Eventually, specific funds such as “One Great Hour of Sharing” and “Christmas Joy” offerings will be added.

The Church profile page and the secure link receiving the contributions reside on the Presbyterian Mission Exchange system. First Presbyterian has established a secure account at the Mission Exchange in which all funds will be held until withdrawn at the request of the church. This account is similar to the local bank accounts that our church currently uses. The church may access the system at any time to review the giving history and account balances, and to withdraw funds. The Mission Exchange charges a small service fee of 2.598% + $.026 for credit or debit card contributions. For example, a donation of $100 will incur a fee of $2.858, and the church will receive $97.14. Some churches find that their donors add a few dollars to their contribution to offset this fee for processing the account. Regardless of whether your contribution is by paper check, cash, or online, your gift to First Presbyterian Church is always appreciated and gratefully received.


The Prayer Community meets after worship on the 3rd Sunday of the month. 


The Adult Choir rehearses Wednesdays at 7 PM (except June thru August) and offers anthems in worship September thru May.  During summer months, a variety of local musicians provide special music. 


Dining with the Deacons:  Monthly fellowship dinners are held 3rd Thursday of the month at area restaurants (rides available). Locations vary.

n’s Breakfast:  Monthly men’s breakfasts are held locally on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 8 AM. Locations vary. 

Faith Circle:  Women’s Circle meetings are held in Fellowship Hall at 2 PM on the 4th Monday of each month (except June thru August).


Lenten Concerts & Soup Luncheons:  The 2024 5-part concert series was held at Noon, Wednesdays, Feb. 21 thru Mar. 20.  Over $1,600 was raised to support the work of Project SHARE.

Books for Babies:  This program has been revived.  Packets containing handmade baby hats, baby books & literature on the importance of reading to babies are currently donated to Carlisle Area Family Life Center.  Books are purchased for this project by the sale of new & used books in Fellowship Hall.  Thousands of these gifts have been made to hospitals/organizations to date.

Project SHARE:  Volunteers assist with monthly food collection (First Church supplies soup) and distribution, as well as with crop-gleaning during summer months.  Special donations are made throughout the year also, to include donations from the annual Lenten Concerts/Luncheon series.  Call (717) 249-7773 or visit http://www.projectsharepa.net for more info on their activities.

Samaritan Fellowship: Volunteers participate in this Carlisle-based group which assists community persons in need. Call (717) 243-3338 for more info.

S.P.Y.:  Volunteer & monetary support is given to this community-supported event — a summer program for youth in the community.

Community CARES:  Clothing drives, volunteer hours and breakfast services support this local organization which serves our area’s persons in need.  For more info call (717) 249-1009.  

The Salvation Army:  Deacons & Friends participate in The Salvation Army’s evening meal program (“My Brother’s Table”) — typically preparing the meal and serving it three times per year.  

Meeting House Springs Cemetery:  The cemetery is located west of Carlisle. Several photos of it are available in the “Photos” section of this website. A cemetery history book was completed in 2009, titled Here Lyes the Body: The Story of Meeting House Springs, authored by First Church member Richard L. Tritt.  Contact the church office at fpcarl@pa.net or 717-243-4612.

Mission Trips:  The Presbytery of Carlisle makes annual trips to Honduras to work on a variety of building projects.

Blanket Sunday:  Each year on Mother’s Day, donations are made in honor or memory of loved ones. They go to Church World Service for their use in providing blankets to people impacted by disasters world-wide. 

Presbyterian Women’s Special Offerings.  Two special PC (USA) annual offerings help those in need worldwide — the fall PW Thank Offering and the spring PW Birthday Offering.

Dinner for Dads:  Each year on Father’s Day, donations are made in honor or memory of loved ones to support the Deacons’ local missions of providing meals at The Salvation Army (“My Brother’s Table”) and at Community CARES.

Lend-a-Hand Mission Trips:  This ministry of the Presbytery of Carlisle consists of volunteers who travel to sites ravished by disaster to help with rebuilding efforts. Learn more and get a schedule of trips at www.lendahand.net; or call 877-211-0700.

Community Outreach thru Farmers on the Square — A farmers’ market is held on the church campus on Wednesdays — Spring/Summer (3-7 PM); Fall/Winter (2-5 PM).